
Your Salesforce solution awaits!

About ESSA Software, LLC
Based in Carrollton, Texas, ESSA Software, LLC is a Limited Liablity Company started in 2017 by Chris Monaghan. The company's main purpose is two-fold:

  1. ESSA Desktop
    Provide a free download of ESSA Desktop for Salesforce professionals.
  2. Professional Services
    Provide software services and solutions surrounding the Salesforce platform.
    - Integrations
    - Custom Development
    - Platform Administration, Guidance, Design

About ESSA Desktop
In 2016, ESSA (Enterprise Suite for Sandbox Administration) started out as proof-of-concept to use the Salesforce APIs. The tool is built specifically for Salesforce Professionals, Administrators and Release Managers. This is not a development tool but is used to query and analyze data and metadata in various ways. Its overall purpose is to make life easier by providing functionality and features that cannot be performed through Salesforce's web application. It is a tool built for ease-of-use to improve productivity.

- It makes maintaining Sandboxes easy.
- It makes deployments easy.
- It makes data integration easy.
- It makes continuous integration easy.
- It makes working with your Salesforce data easy.
- It just makes working with Salesforce easy!